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k-sauce.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, k-sauce.com revenue has experienced decline of 36%, compared to the preceding three months.
k-sauce.com competitors
When comparing k-sauce.com to its competitors based on the November 2024 data, some key metrics stand out. apple.com leads the pack with a revenue of $4.5 billion, over 11 million transactions, and 512 million sessions. hotsauce.com follows with $135,693 in revenue, 1,601 transactions, and 83,590 sessions. hanksauce.com, similar to k-sauce.com in AOV, boasts $31,369 in revenue, 291 transactions, and 7,392 sessions. Finally, 3brotherswinery.com lags behind with $24,610 in revenue, 382 transactions, and 9,395 sessions. Despite having lower revenue compared to apple.com, k-sauce.com holds its ground with $2,759 in revenue, 27 transactions, and 817 sessions, showcasing a competitive AOV range and conversion rate of 3.00-3.50%.
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k-sauce.com channels
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