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t-shirtat.com’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, t-shirtat.com revenue has experienced growth of 48%, compared to the preceding three months.
t-shirtat.com competitors
When comparing t-shirtat.com to its competitor artistshot.com, we can see a stark difference in revenue generation and transaction volume. In November 2024, t-shirtat.com reported a revenue of $3,381 from 13 transactions and 387 sessions, with an average order value (AOV) ranging from $250 to $275 and a conversion rate of 3.00% to 3.50%. In contrast, artistshot.com generated significantly higher revenue of $482,930 from 5,205 transactions and 355,053 sessions, with a lower AOV of $75 to $100 and a conversion rate of 1.00% to 1.50%. Despite t-shirtat.com's higher AOV and conversion rate, artistshot.com's larger transaction volume and revenue indicate a stronger market presence and potentially more effective marketing strategies.
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t-shirtat.com channels
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