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ultimate-jets.net is a website that offers a variety of jet-related products for enthusiasts and hobbyists alike. They sell a wide range of remote-controlled jet aircraft, including kits, accessories, and spare parts, catering to the needs of the radio-controlled jet community.
ultimate-jets.net’s revenueOVER TIME
Over the past three months, ultimate-jets.net revenue has experienced decline of 6.8%, compared to the preceding three months.
ultimate-jets.net competitors
In comparing ultimate-jets.net to its competitors, we can see that ultimate-jets.net falls behind in terms of revenue and overall site traffic. While ultimate-jets.net generated $12,886 in revenue from 14 transactions and 826 sessions with an average order value (AOV) of $925-950 and a conversion rate of 1.50-2.00%, its competitors are performing at a higher level. For example, motionrc.com generated $1,444,400 in revenue from 4,048 transactions and 293,967 sessions with an AOV of $350-375 and a conversion rate of 1.00-1.50%. chiefaircraft.com also outperformed ultimate-jets.net with $230,098 in revenue from 752 transactions and 38,685 sessions, with an AOV of $300-325 and a conversion rate of 1.50-2.00%. In terms of revenue and site traffic, ultimate-jets.net has room for growth to catch up to its competitors.
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